Monday 7 July 2014

Lilla Kuddis vs Mimos Baby Pillow

The price of the pillow is not the cheapest but Mimos is the ONLY safe (TUV certified airflow safety) and effective for treatment (Clinical tested) CE approved Medical device rated baby pillow available on the market.

Some pillows in the market also claim to help but should not be used without supervision (especially the cotton and memory foam, that react with heat and mould around the baby's face). Keeping an eye on your baby is challenging, especially during night. Mimos pillow is made from a 3D spacer fabric. 94% of the volume is air. The micro-filaments help to transport liquid away, as well as allowing for the flow of air. It is also TÜV Rheinland tested to be safe for use during sleep.

Lilla Kuddis pillow was originated from Sweden, however Swedish health professionals are now favoring Mimos only follow the multiple positive clinical trial results carried out in Sweden [1][2][3]. (Same happen across EU including Spain, Germany, UK, Ireland and etc)

[1] Ohman, Anna (2014). "A specially designed pillow Can Decrease Developmental Plagiocephaly in Young Infants". Health (6): 1092–1098.doi:10.4236/health.2014.611135.
[2] Ohman, A. (2013) “A specially designed pillow may be used as treatment for young infants with developmental plagiocephaly.” HEALTH Vol.5, No.12, 2064-2067
[3]Ohman, A. (2013). “A pilot study, a specially designed pillow may prevent developmental plagiocephaly by reducing pressure from the infant head.” Health> Vol.5 No.6B, June 2013

Our final advice is, please evaluate the products carefully and don’t jump for the cheapest option. We have put a lot of consideration on safety and practical functionality while designing the pillow. Mimos pillow AirSpacer technology also helps to regulate temperature and reduce the suffocation risk. The pillow is also labelled with ‘Confident in Textile’ or Oekotex 100 Class 1 certified free from harmful substances and from environmental friendly production. It’s safe for direct contact with the baby’s skin and suitable for families with allergic history. Therefore we believe it’s the best product complementary to your osteopathic service and the price is ably justified.
ps: watch this video and see why Mimos works

Friday 13 September 2013

Incidence and Prevention of Baby Flat Head Syndrome

The arrival of a new baby in the family is something incredibly special in anyone‘s life. Of course, in those early days when you are first together as a new family there are sure to be a lot of things you aren't yet aware of.

Some of these things will soon become all too obvious; like the fact that your chances of ever getting a good night’s sleep are now rather slim and that changing dirty nappies has become your new hobby. However, there are other issues which you would do well to investigate as soon as you can. Into this category falls plagiocephaly, which is most commonly known as flat head syndrome. Why is it so important that new parents learn about this as quickly as possible?

It Can Happen to Any Child

Babies have a soft skull which can be misshapen fairly easily if they spend too long in one position, which is what causes this condition in the first place.  There are different degrees of flat head syndrome, depending upon the amount of time which the little one spends lying on just one side. If they constantly apply pressure to the same side of their head then this can lead to a physical deformity, although this is often a minor issue. There is no evidence currently to suggest that it is anything other than a cosmetic issue.

It Can Be Avoided

You will be left kicking yourself if your baby ends up with flat head syndrome just because you didn't know how to avoid it. By simply using a special pillow you can ensure that this doesn't happen. However, this means that you need to find some information on the subject before it is too late. I know this because I was in exactly this situation with my own baby. I noticed that a flat section was beginning to form on her head and at first I got quite worried. I had never heard of this kind of thing before and it was only after looking up some information online that I realised that this is a common issue and that it can be avoided as well.   

You Need to Act

Once you find out about the possibility of your baby getting flat head syndrome your work as a concerned new parent isn't quite over yet. As an engineer, I am used to looking for quick and practical solutions but I discovered that this situation wasn't quite as easy as I had expected. For a start, there are a number of different pillows around which have been made with this problem in mind. Clearly they aren't all equally good, but it is difficult to know how effective each one is without having them in your hands and then letting the little one try them out for a few nights. This is why I decided to find out all I could, carry out some reviews and let other parents know what their best options are, as you can see in the following chart.

The Best Pillows to Look At
In terms of the best pillow to resolve this issue, there are some strong reasons for choosing one of the options from Mimos. For a start, it comes in a more impressive range of sizes than the competition. It is also important to point out that it is made of fully breathable fabric, which is good news. It is also a pillow which has been clinically tested for effectiveness and is rated as CE Class 1. All in all, you will be making a good move if you decide to choose this pillow for your little one to rest their head on. There are other decent options on the market but the combination of breathable fabric, different sizes and proven effectiveness makes Mimos hard to beat.
It’s Not Too Late    
The good news is that it isn’t too late, even if your baby is starting to show signs of this syndrome. The plagiocephaly suffered by our little girl disappeared once she started using the Mimos pillow I had settled on finally. As long as you move quickly and make the right decision it doesn't have to be a huge problem in your family either.   

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Use of Mimos pillow significantly reduces the severity of the developmental plagiocephaly, study shows

A clinical result recently published in the health journal shows that use of a Mimos Pillow (a specially designed pillow for infants) reduces the severity of developmental plagiocephaly (DP) in young infants. The study by Anna Ohman was published in June 2013. 

According to Anna Ohman, the objective of the study was to test if specially designed pillows reduced the severity of developmental plagiocephaly. In this study, Anna used Mimos Pillow. According to the study, which involved 36 infants (21 male and 15 female of ages between zero and 2 months); “there was a significant decrease in CVAI for infants who had reduced pressure in the head. This indicates that the special Mimos pillow, designed to reduce pressure on the head, may decrease or prevent DP”. 

Anna Ohman made use of Mimos Pillow in her pilot study. Mimos Pillows are made by an organisation that promotes plagiocephaly awareness and prevention. 

Developmental plagiocephaly (DP) is a medical condition in which an infant’s skull is deformed as a result of prenatal or postnatal external moulding forces to the infant’s growing cranium. The medical condition forms when the infant spends most of the time in Supine (lying down with the face up). Developmental plagiocephaly flat head syndrome leads to infant head deformities, which include severe flattening of the back of the head, a head that is too short, and flattening of one side of the face. 

This study came at a time when other studies were supporting alternatives to expensive helmets. An example of these studies is: A Prospective Randomized Trial on Preventative Methods for Positional Head Deformity: Physiotherapy versus a Positioning Pillow by Jan-Falco Wilbrand, Maximilian Seidl, Martina Wilbrand, Philipp Streckbein, Sebastian Böttger, Joern Pons-Kuehnemann, Andreas Hahn, and Hans-Peter Howaldt. 
This study concluded that, – “Bedding pillows and stretching exercises both resulted in improvements in positional cranial deformation. For children with combined plagiocephaly and brachycephaly, improvement in cranial asymmetry was slightly greater when using bedding pillows versus stretching.” According to Dr. Jan-Falco Wilbrand, of the University of Giessen (study co-author), "these are probably easier options for some parents." 

A few weeks after Anna Ohman’s study, the Canadian Press published a study by Calgary researchers: Almost Half of Babies Now Have Flat Spots on Head. According to this study – by the age of 2 months, almost half of Canadian infants develop flat areas on the back of their heads. 

The flat areas are likely the result of spending time in supine to prevent sudden death syndrome, the study hints. The flat head syndrome occurs because the bony plates of an infant’s skull have not fused together. The flattening of the head has been proven to cause facial changes on the infant. According to Aliyah Mawji of the school of nursing at Mount Royal University in Calgary, "If they've got a flat spot on one side, what that likely means is that they've got the forehead protrusion on the same side and they also have a bit of ear shifting forward on the same side," 

For more information on Mimos pillows, visit their website; check them out on Twitter, and Facebook

For more information on these studies visit the following links 
Anna Ohman's study 
Calgary research


Baby Flat Head pillows review

Why Parents Should Know About Flat Head Syndrome

The arrival of a new baby in the family is something incredibly special in anyone‘s life. Of course, in those early days when you are first together as a new family there are sure to be a lot of things you aren't yet aware of.

Some of these things will soon become all too obvious; like the fact that your chances of ever getting a good night’s sleep are now rather slim and that changing dirty nappies has become your new hobby. However, there are other issues which you would do well to investigate as soon as you can. Into this category falls plagiocephaly, which is most commonly known as flat head syndrome. Why is it so important that new parents learn about this as quickly as possible?

It Can Happen to Any Child

Babies have a soft skull which can be misshapen fairly easily if they spend too long in one position, which is what causes this condition in the first place.  There are different degrees of flat head syndrome, depending upon the amount of time which the little one spends lying on just one side. If they constantly apply pressure to the same side of their head then this can lead to a physical deformity, although this is often a minor issue. There is no evidence currently to suggest that it is anything other than a cosmetic issue.

It Can Be Avoided

You will be left kicking yourself if your baby ends up with flat head syndrome just because you didn't know how to avoid it. By simply using a special pillow you can ensure that this doesn't happen. However, this means that you need to find some information on the subject before it is too late. I know this because I was in exactly this situation with my own baby. I noticed that a flat section was beginning to form on her head and at first I got quite worried. I had never heard of this kind of thing before and it was only after looking up some information online that I realised that this is a common issue and that it can be avoided as well.   

You Need to Act

Once you find out about the possibility of your baby getting flat head syndrome your work as a concerned new parent isn't quite over yet. As an engineer, I am used to looking for quick and practical solutions but I discovered that this situation wasn't quite as easy as I had expected. For a start, there are a number of different pillows around which have been made with this problem in mind. Clearly they aren't all equally good, but it is difficult to know how effective each one is without having them in your hands and then letting the little one try them out for a few nights. This is why I decided to find out all I could, carry out some reviews and let other parents know what their best options are, as you can see in the following chart.

The Best Pillows to Look At
In terms of the best pillow to resolve this issue, there are some strong reasons for choosing one of the options from Mimos. For a start, it comes in a more impressive range of sizes than the competition. It is also important to point out that it is made of fully breathable fabric, which is good news. It is also a pillow which has been clinically tested for effectiveness and is rated as CE Class 1. All in all, you will be making a good move if you decide to choose this pillow for your little one to rest their head on. There are other decent options on the market but the combination of breathable fabric, different sizes and proven effectiveness makes Mimos hard to beat.
It’s Not Too Late    

The good news is that it isn’t too late, even if your baby is starting to show signs of this syndrome. The plagiocephaly suffered by our little girl disappeared once she started using the Mimos pillow I had settled on finally. As long as you move quickly and make the right decision it doesn't have to be a huge problem in your family either.